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副炮手给卡尔-古斯塔夫M4装上HE 448高爆弹


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A new high-explosive round and a sophisticated fire control device have made our Carl-Gustaf® system more effective than ever, 同时保持枪手喜欢的易用性.

一个地面战斗小队在城市战区巡逻. They’re carefully making their way forward when one of the team suddenly spots an enemy troop carrier moving behind debris in the distance.

肾上腺素在血管里涌动, 小队的火力小队迅速就位与敌人交战.

Our Carl-Gustaf recoilless rifle is ideally suited for such intense combat situations. 重量轻,操作方便, its wide range of rounds make it a devastating threat to targets ranging from Main Battle Tanks through to dismounted troops.

但最近我们的工程师想知道这个系统是否可以做得更好. What if it could offer greater accuracy, range and effectiveness without compromising on ease of use? 这将给该领域的用户带来什么好处?

卡尔-古斯塔夫M4和FCD 558的特种部队

The result of their efforts are several enhanced capabilities to help armed forces keep up with the evolving threat. The most recent additions in this regard are a new High Explosive round and an improved Fire Control Device. 当组合使用时, the Munition will communicate the 圆的类型 and propellant temperature to the Fire Control Device and receive target data and fuze settings in return. The Fire Control Device will automatically calculate the ballistic settings taking into account 圆的类型, propellant and ambient temperature along with target distance and then set up the trajectory for the operator. This is made possible by introduction of a two-way communication interface for the Carl-Gustaf M4, 指定“霹雳”.

“在压力很大的情况下,消防队员的表现会有压力, 你想让烧制过程尽可能简单,十大正规博彩网站排名产品经理卡尔-古斯塔夫说, 吉米解决方案. “你也希望在第一次射击时命中概率最高. This new combination of a smart round and an advanced fire control device helps you achieve both of those objectives and increase your chance of mission success.”

新型HE 448子弹

新一轮, which has the designation HE 448 is a major improvement compared to its predecessor the HE 441, 它本身仍然是行业的领导者. 就像它的先行者, the HE 448 is a high-explosive round designed for use against enemy forces such as dismounted troops, 隐藏的部队, 软皮肤的目标包括车辆. HE 448引信允许火力小组选择直接射击模式, 在这种情况下,子弹会击中目标, 或空气爆炸模式, 使用计时器可以让炸弹在目标上方引爆.

卡尔-古斯塔夫高爆弹药HE 448
HE 448

然而,新的一轮将精度,射程和效果提升到一个新的水平. Replacing the mechanical fuze with a small electro-mechanical one has helped reduce weight, 也就是说子弹离开枪管时初速更高, 提高两者的准确性, 接触的时间, 和范围. 而HE 441精确到大约1300米, HE 448能够攻击1500米以外的目标.

At the same time, the fragmentation of the round is radically different from the HE 441. While its predecessor contained 800 steel balls, the HE 448 contains some 4000 tungsten pellets. 结果是更多的碎片, 更大的分散和更高的效率, 即使在敌人穿着防弹衣的情况下.

圆的重量为2.7千克大约是0.5 kilograms lighter than the HE 441, is good news for the overburdened modern infantryman.


吉米解决方案 explains the HE 448 achieves optimal results when it is combined with the new fire control device, fcd558.

成为火控系统的标配 卡尔-古斯塔夫系统, fcd558 can be easily fitted with a standard optical sight via a picatinny rail. While the old fire control system was fully mechanical and relied on interchangeable range knobs, fcd558是电动的, 允许直接与膛内子弹通信.

当HE 448子弹装在装有FCD 558的卡尔-古斯塔夫M4枪膛时, 这两个组件能够交换信息. The round identifies itself to the FCD and communicates propellant temperature  ­– a crucial parameter in accurate targeting.

使用FCD上的开关, 炮手可以选择直接射击或空炸, and this information is electronically communicated to the fuze inside the round before firing. 炮手使用相同的开关进入射程到目标. 配备射程信息, 圆的类型, 推进剂温度和所需模式, the FCD’s ballistic computer calculates the best possible trajectory to achieve success. 当这种精度与HE 448子弹的杀伤力相结合时, 结果对敌人产生了毁灭性的影响.

FCD 558设置在980米空爆,HE 448

这样就大大减少了操作员和副炮手的工作量, 同时增加了灵活性. The Assistant Gunner no longer needs to manually set the fuze and the team can deal with fluid situations effectively. 例如, a fire team might decide to switch to air burst mode if a vehicle that was previously in the open drives behind an obstacle.

“我们希望为消防队提供更高的功能和准确性, 但我们不想增加射击的复杂性,吉米说。. “While fcd558 is more technologically advanced, you don’t experience that as the gunner. 当你攻击敌人时,你会得到更好的结果.”

卡尔-古斯塔夫M4与FCD 558
卡尔-古斯塔夫M4与FCD 558


应该注意的是FCD 558可以用来发射传统的卡尔-古斯塔夫弹. 同样的, the HE 448 can be fired with the legacy Carl-Gustaf fire control device (although not in air burst mode).

The combination of the new FCD with rounds capable of communication has proven very effective. 带有附加功能的新回合已经在路线图上, and the communication interface – 指定“霹雳” – may even be introduced on legacy rounds, 以便与fcd558火控装置和先进瞄准具通讯.